
• 开始前请阅读社区规则确保您顺利的熟悉本社区。注册用户可以提交资源,如果您有已发布资源的新版本,您可以随时更新版本!

• 文件链接损坏请在文件下方留言,我们将会及时更新来自备份服务器的新链接。如有其它问题请 提交工单 和我们联系!

• 我们拥有多账户检测系统,对于重复注册我们将采取严厉措施!

• 提示:如果您的账户超过180天处于非活动状态,系统将自动删除您的账户!

• 我们尊重我们的用户,也希望您能进行愉快的交谈.

Version XenForo 2.3.3 及附加组件发布

XenForo 2.3.3 发布

我们强烈建议所有运行旧版 XenForo 2.3 的客户升级到此版本,以提升稳定性。


2.3.3 中的一些变化包括:

  • account_banner
  • app_nav.less
  • conversation_message_macros
  • core_block.less
  • core_button.less
  • core_input.less
  • core_tab.less
  • editor_override.less
  • helper_js_global
  • member_view
  • passkeys_macros
  • post_macros
  • profile_post_macros
  • tag_macros
  • token_input


请注意,XenForo 2.3 的系统要求比早期版本更高。

  • PHP 7.2 或更新版本(推荐使用 PHP 8.3)
  • MySQL 5.7 及更新版本(也兼容 MariaDB/Percona 等)
  • 所有官方附加组件都需要 XenForo 2.3。
  • 增强搜索至少需要 Elasticsearch 7.2。

XenForo 资源管理器 2.3.3 发布​

XenForo Resource Manager 2.3.3 现已可供所有授权客户下载。我们强烈建议所有运行旧版 XenForo Resource Manager 2.3 的客户升级到此版本,以获得更高的稳定性。

2.3.3 中的一些更改包括:

  • xfrm_category_add_resource
  • xfrm_resource_review_macros
  • xfrm_resource_update_macros
  • xfrm_resource_view

资源管理器需要 XenForo 2.3 或更高版本。

Add-ons/Plugins AI Engine Pro:ChatGPT/内容生成器/自定义/功能

oksgo 升级了 AI Engine Pro:ChatGPT 聊天机器人、GPT 内容生成器、自定义游乐场和功能 的新版本:

= 2.6.1 (2024/08/31) =

* 添加:更多 Google 模型的愿景。
* 添加:聊天机器人块现在直接支持参数。
* 添加:快捷方式中的图标支持。
* 更新:最大令牌和温度现在默认未设置。这避免了许多小问题。
* 修复:更好地处理自定义聊天机器人。
* 修复:随机修复和改进。


Defender Pro – WordPress 安全防护插件

oksgo 升级了 Defender Pro – WordPress 安全防护插件 的新版本:

= 4.9.0 ( 2024-09-02 ) =

- 新功能:智能 IP 检测方法
- 增强:改进了校验和期间恶意软件扫描的错误处理
- 增强:改进了扫描逻辑以检测来自 wp.org 的插件
- 增强:在 Cloudflare 和 X-Forwarded-For IP 检测通知中提及 Defender
- 增强:使用情况跟踪改进
- 修复:WooCommerce 我的帐户和结帐页面上的 Google reCAPTCHA 验证失败
- 修复:控制台日志中的 Google reCAPTCHA V3 错误
- 修复:WooCommerce 中的 2FA 设置问题
- 修复:上传配置时出现问题
- 修复:注册新身份验证器时出现“错误:出错了”
- 修复:翻译中的复制错误
- 修复:审计日志中未定义的数组键
- 修复:外键重复
- 修复:2FA 方法中的错误通知设计损坏


讨论/help 导入中文语言包有大量过时短语需处理

The main program is to use the xenforo file to fully overwrite and upgrade to the latest version

The latest version of this site for the language pack

After the language pack is imported, a large number of outdated phrases are generated. If you need to click "Restore" to English individually and then click to translate again, it is too troublesome. How do these outdated phrases come about? Can't the new language pack overwrite the previous one? Is there any good solution?

Thanks for postin this

Version XenForo 2.2.15 发布

Following yesterday’s release of XF 2.2.14 and subsequent patches, we are today making XenForo 2.2.15 available for download to all licensed customers. We strongly recommend that all customers running previous versions of XenForo 2.2 upgrade to this release for improved stability, especially if you have already upgraded to XenForo 2.2.14.

As of now, XenForo 2.2.14 and its patches are no longer available for download. We are still planning to release the final XF 2.2 sometime around the release of XenForo 2.3!

Directly from your admin dashboard

If you are a XenForo Cloud customer, your upgrade will be scheduled automatically.

Some of the changes in XF 2.2.15 include:

As always, the new version of XenForo is available as a free download to all customers with a valid license. You can upgrade now from your admin control panel or get the new version from your customer area.

Current requirements​

Please note that XenForo 2.2 has higher system requirements than earlier versions.

The following are the minimum requirements:
  • PHP 7.0 or higher (PHP 8.2 recommended)
  • MySQL 5.5 and later (also compatible with MariaDB/Percona, etc.)
  • All official add-ons require XenForo 2.2.
  • Enhanced search requires at least Elasticsearch 2.0.
Thank you for this, I hope to compare between this and vbulletin

PHP/Scripts TrainEasy LMS - Training & Learning Management System - 26 July 2024

We are excited to announce that we have just launched the new major version of TrainEasy, version 3.0! The most exciting thing about this release is that TrainEasy now runs on Laravel 8! We have completely rewritten the application and added exciting new features! Try out the demo now!


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PHP/Scripts Miranda v1.42.1 - Hotel and Resort Booking system - nulled

Miranda – Laravel Hotel and Resort Booking system. Miranda is a clean, premium, and modern booking script. It is responsive on literally any screen size, this way you can worry less about the interface, and focus on what is important. Use Miranda, and create something amazing!


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