Light Pearl

Style/Theme Light Pearl 2.2.15

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XF versions
  1. 2.2+
  2. 2.3+
Light Pearl Style comes with extended powerful, user full and flexible theme options that allow you to customize everything you can upload to your website in minutes.

Light Pearl is completely sensitive. Style is designed with a mobile approach. This means that visitors to your website can automatically adapt to different screen sizes regardless of which device they use.
We sure customers will like it much and It looks great on any device and screen .

Safe, User Friendly and Compatible with Add-ons
The Light Pearl theme comes with all the features you need to run your site quickly. Customize your site easily and without small of 3rd-party add-ons.

Light Pearl focuses only on the add-ons and features required to create a different and unique website. In order to reduce add-on dependency and optimize code, it has been created as a more stable and secure theme than many other multi-purpose themes on the market today.

With Light Pearl, you can be sure that your website is packed with great features ready for the future, fast and intuitive.​
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Style/Theme  Elegant Dark  2.2.15
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Style/Theme  Style Brivium Silver - XenForo 2
  • 22.webp
    66.7 KB · 查看: 38


  1. 2.2.15
