Profile Songs

Profile Songs 1.1.2

没有购买权限 (10 G)


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IPS versions
  1. 4.7.x
  2. 5.0.x
GNU Affero 通用公共许可证 v3.0/开源项目
This application will allow your members to upload music tracks to play on their profiles with a nice tidy custom audio player


Adds a custom java-script / jquery / Ajax music players to users profiles ( if they have uploaded tracks that is )

Allow your members to upload multiple music tracks to their profiles

Adds a playlist with all their uploaded music allowing to switch tracks easily

Easily edit the track names by clicking and holding the track name in the playlist without having to reload the page

Easily re-position the tracks by dragging them and dropping them into your chosen positions

The audio player has 5 buttons

Repeat ( this will repeat the playing track )

Next ( skip to the next track )

Previous ( go to the last track )

Volume ( Toggles volume bar )

This will show and volume bar that you can drag with 2 more buttons allowing you to turn it up or down

Play / Pause ( Does what it says on the tin )

Easily delete each track without having to reload the page ( this will show a pop-up asking to confirm the deletion )

Members can customize their audio player's button / volume / progress bar from a choice of 8 colors what are either solid or with a shadow

Set auto play function so members' tracks will auto-play when the page loads

Allow members to add other members' tracks to their playlists

This will not duplicate or copy any audio files it will just add the ability for the track to be played on other members' playlists

Tracks added to playlists via sharing will not count towards the user's uploads count as they are not uploading a new track

Members can toggle the ability for other members to add their tracks to their playlists easily via the audio player

When a member grants permission for their tracks to be shared a new add to my playlist icon will appear next to their track names

If a member adds another member's track to their playlist and the uploader decides to delete their track, the track will also be removed from all playlists it has been added to

Admin Member Group Settings ( These are set per group )

Can upload audio tracks

Select the maximum upload size per track

Select the maximum upload limit per batch of uploads

Select the number of total tracks the member can upload altogether


Members ShopAdd a item to the member's shop allowing you to charge points for members to upload tracks

This will override all group permissions set except the total uploads per batch so if you only want to allow users to add tracks via shop items then you need to remove their permissions to use it and the item will be the only way they can add tracks
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