Box of Tricks

Box of Tricks 1.6.1

没有购买权限 (20 G)


• 开始前请阅读社区规则确保您顺利的熟悉本社区。注册用户可以提交资源,如果您有已发布资源的新版本,您可以随时更新版本!

• 文件链接损坏请在文件下方留言,我们将会及时更新来自备份服务器的新链接。如有其它问题请 提交工单 和我们联系!

• 我们拥有多账户检测系统,对于重复注册我们将采取严厉措施!

• 提示:如果您的账户超过360天处于非活动状态,系统将自动删除您的账户!

• 我们尊重我们的用户,也希望您能进行愉快的交谈.

IPS versions
  1. 5.0.x
GNU Affero 通用公共许可证 v3.0/开源项目
Invision Community 5 in which you add will accomplish as a class and applications will survive.

What add-ons are included in this app:

  1. (NE) Click to view password (added in v1.0.0)
  2. (NE) Unread icon for forum categories (added in v1.0.0)
  3. (NE) I can haz profile photo, not hamburger? (added in v1.0.0)
  4. (NE) USE_DEVELOPMENT_BUILDS reminder (added in v1.0.0)
  5. (NE) Override 'All Activity' as default stream (added in v1.1.0)
  6. (NE) Manage 'Create New Stream' permissions (added in v1.1.0)
  7. (NE) Language usage counter (added in v1.2.0)
  8. (NE) Order databases in "Create" menu (added in v1.2.0)
  9. (NE) Member deletion content (added in v1.2.0)
  10. (NE) Change 'Code' default language (added in v1.2.0)
  11. (NE) Hide advertisements from search engines (added in v1.3.0)
  12. (NE) Additional Pages media types (added in v1.3.0)
  13. (NE) Remove 'Newsletter' from notification settings (added in v1.3.0)
  14. "Main site elsewhere" effect on header (added in v1.4.0)
  15. "Require message on report" (added in v1.5.0)
  16. "External login filters on Members table" (added in v1.6.0)
If you haven't installed these add-ons, (NE) Box of Tricks 1.6.0 app set up the app,

If any of the weaponized add-ons were already installed before installing the (NE ) Box of Tricks 1.6.0 App, their settings will be transferred to the app. The plugin will be automatically deleted from the system after some time.
Developer Tools 5
Add-ons/Plugins  Developer Tools 5  5.0.3
  • 11.webp
    19.4 KB · 查看: 18