更换网络服务商 发生数据丢失事故

更换网络服务商 发生数据丢失事故


• 开始前请阅读社区规则确保您顺利的熟悉本社区。注册用户可以提交资源,如果您有已发布资源的新版本,您可以随时更新版本!

• 文件链接损坏请在文件下方留言,我们将会及时更新来自备份服务器的新链接。如有其它问题请 提交工单 和我们联系!

• 我们拥有多账户检测系统,对于重复注册我们将采取严厉措施!

• 提示:如果您的账户超过360天处于非活动状态,系统将自动删除您的账户!

• 我们尊重我们的用户,也希望您能进行愉快的交谈.

购买积分快捷通道/Purchase Points Shortcut


I see that he is a moderator, even more in my favor, I have never said that I am going to do this or that thing, I simply follow my instincts, that is the idea, to be concise in what is said, and to be careful in what is done
This is for everyone and all upcoming users. I was never here to collect points or credits or whatever. I just liked this site and I liked the owner, (Administrator). Therefore, my idea from the beginning is to help, and much more so because of the problem that restoring everything again has generated. I ask everyone that if they are going to say something like I'm going to help, I want them to do it without prejudice since just saying it is a reason for promise.
That's the bad thing, everyone wants to take a slice, take it and then come back for more, but to help, no no no. That's the bad thing, that's why 92% of all the communities that exist on the network do not progress, they go backwards because they collect resources by visiting these sites, taking a little from each one. It's not crazy, if they did things right they would progress in a satisfactory and clean manner.
My biggest advice to these vultures is not to do that anymore, it is preferable to pay a subscription to a site and download everything you want and take it to your community and do whatever you want with it.
Look, okay, I started to tell them these questions that are clean, good, sensible, similar to the whole truth and they all fired.
取消了打赏功能,总有人注册一堆垃圾账号 来给自己打赏,从而获取更多积分,还不如取消了 ,并增加了邮箱验证。
Exact. Never again about reds. The only thing that was gained from that is that the same user created accounts.


Flarum 是一款轻量级、现代化的开源论坛系统,它基于 PHP 和 MySQL,支持扩展插件,拥有简洁的 UI 设计。 本教程将 手把手 带你在 Ubuntu 服务器 上 从零开始 安装 Flarum,并 配置 Nginx、PHP 和 MariaDB,最终实现 HTTPS 安全访问。 1. 环境要求 在安装 Flarum 之前,确保你的服务器满足以下要求: 操作系统:Ubuntu...
前言 以下未列出的系统/架构请尝试 支持系统: Ubuntu 18+, Debian 8+, Centos 7+, Fedora 33+, Almalinux 8.5+, OracleLinux 8+, RockyLinux 8+, AstraLinux CE, Arch 半支持系统: FreeBSD(前提已执行pkg install -y curl bash),Armbian 支持架构:...